Prior to your surgery at Atrium Health Navicent Peach you will be asked to come in for a pre-operative appointment. Please bring with you all paperwork given to you by your medical doctor pertaining to your procedure.
During this appointment you will pre-register for your surgery, sign all necessary consents and meet with an outpatient nurse to review your health history and current medications and for blood work and testing. Check with your physician to see if his office handles this scheduling or if you need to wait for the hospital to call to schedule the appointment.
Your surgeon will decide whether you will go home on the same day as your operation or stay in the hospital. Sometimes this decision is not made until the day of your operation. Please discuss this with your surgeon.
Eating and Drinking Instructions
Please follow the instructions below carefully. They are intended to reduce your chance of vomiting, which may cause severe lung complications. If these instructions are not followed, your surgery will be delayed or canceled.
You may brush your teeth without swallowing toothpaste the morning of your surgery. Do not chew gum or chewing tobacco.
Ask your surgeon what limitations to expect after your operation. Think carefully about help you will need at home and make arrangements before your operation. Plan for how you will get to the bathroom, move up and down stairs, have your meals and care for yourself.
It is very likely that you will go home the same day as your surgery, so it is important that you prepare for being at home before you arrive at the hospital.
You will need to have someone available to drive you home after your operation. For your safety, you will also need a responsible adult to stay with you at least 24 hours after your operation.
Please do not do any of the following for 24 hours after receiving anesthesia:
Before you leave the hospital, a return visit for follow-up care will be scheduled for you if your surgeon feels it is necessary.
» Click Here Now for complete information on Surgical Services at Atrium Health Navicent Peach including more information about what to expect.