Why Choose Us

Is Rehabilitation Hospital right for me?

You and your loved ones want the best rehab facility possible. Please download our checklist to help you find the one that meets your needs.

98% of our patients at Rehabilitation Hospital said they were happy with the level of attention given to their individual needs and preferences by our professional staff.

What this means to you in choosing the right facility?

Our patients' needs and preferences are an important part of their stay.

99% of our patients feel we do a great job in coordinating their care with each member of our rehab team - from their doctor to nurse to therapists.

What this means to you in choosing the right facility?

Our rehab team meets weekly to assess our patients' progress.

99% of our patients reported their pain was in good control during their stay. Medication education is a must for all patients – we do an exceptional job with 100% of patients reporting us as outstanding. Pain control is one of our highest priorities for our patients during their stay.

What this means to you in choosing the right facility?

If our patients' pain is not well controlled, they are unable to participate in therapy.

97% of our patients said we helped them reach their rehab goals and 98% of our patients reported they would recommend Central Georgia Rehab Hospital. Every minute of every day we are dedicated to our patients getting back to their lives.

What this means to you in choosing the right facility?

We are proud of the care we provide to our patients and 99% of our patients reported overall satisfaction with their stay.

Download our free checklist to help you make the right choice for yourself or your loved one!

* Calendar year 2011 scores of Excellent, Very Good and Good included.