Pharmaceutical Care Satellites

Several patient care satellites operate to provide pharmaceutical care to meet the specialized needs of a variety of patient populations. Pharmacists in patient care areas provide drug information, individualized medication dosing, as well as assist in designing intravenous nutritional support, and provide education to patients and other members of the healthcare team. Pharmacists in patient care satellites participate in patient care rounds as an integral member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. All pharmacists attend cardiac/respiratory arrests and assist in drug dosing and preparation, as well as other services as needed.

In addition to the centralized functions provided by the main pharmacy, the following pharmaceutical care satellites function to optimize care for patients at Atrium Health Navicent:

  • Pediatrics
  • Peds Clinical
  • Peds OR
  • Emergency Center
  • Oncology
  • Behavioral Health
  • Neuro ICU
  • Surgical Trauma ICU
  • Medical ICU
  • Critical Care ICU
  • Cardiovascular ICU

ICU satellites are responsible for their designated ICU as well as any associated step-down units.