Arterial Blood, ABG, Blood Gas: A blood test used to determine the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
Arterial Line, A-line: A small tube that is inserted into the artery for blood drawing or to continuously monitor the blood pressure.
Central Line: A catheter in the neck, chest or groin that helps to deliver fluids, nutrients and medications. Blood can also be drawn from this line.
Foley Catheter: A flexible tube inserted into the bladder to continuously drain urine.
Suction Catheter: A tube placed through the endotracheal tube or the throat to remove secretions from the lungs.
Culture: A sample of blood or other body fluid tested for bacteria or other organisms to identify the cause of an infection.
Endotracheal Tube: A plastic tube placed into the breathing tube (trachea) of the child to deliver oxygen to the lungs, to help with breathing, and to make it easier to suction secretions out of the lungs.
Extubation: The process of removing the endotracheal tube.
High Flow Oxygen (HFO): This is oxygen delivered by tubing placed at the nose. It can improve a patient's oxygen levels, decrease their work of breathing, and may prevent worsening of symptoms.
Hyperalimentation, Hyperal: A special nutritional formula given through the veins of children unable to eat.
IV Pump: A machine that controls the rate at which IV fluids are given.
Intubation: The process of inserting the endotracheal tube into the trachea (wind pipe).
Lipids: Fat solutions that are given through the veins to children who are unable to eat.
Mini-infuser: A small machine that delivers medications slowly over a period of time.
Nasal Cannula: A small plastic tube placed at the opening of the nostrils to deliver oxygen.
NG Tube, Nasogastric Tube: A plastic tube inserted into the nose or mouth and placed in the stomach to remove fluids or air and to deliver medications or formula.
Oxygen Mask: A plastic mask placed over the nose and mouth to deliver oxygen.
Peripheral IV: A small plastic tube placed into the vein, which is used to give fluid or medications.
Pulse Oximeter: A small probe attached to the finger, toe or ear that helps monitor the oxygen in the blood. Also, referred to as a pulse ox or O2 sat.
Tracheostomy or Trach: A small hole surgically placed into the child's windpipe or trachea to help the child breathe better.
Ventilator: A machine that is attached to the endotracheal tube to deliver oxygen to the child's lungs and to breathe for or assist with the child's breathing.
Yankauer: A firm plastic tube used to suction secretions out of the child's mouth or nose.