Magnet Nursing, Navicent Health

Baccalaureate Prepared Nurses and Nursing Certification

Demands on the nursing profession are expanding with increasingly more complex health care delivery systems where nurses are taking the lead in managing care with the interdisciplinary team. Nurses will need a developed knowledge of public health, geriatric, leadership, health policy, research and evidence-based practice to name a few. Our baccalaureate prepared nurses receive the education that will help meet these increasing demands of our patients and our healthcare system.

Studies have shown that bachelor prepared nurses are associated with a decrease in patient mortality. The higher nursing education is exhibited in the nurse's quality of clinical practice. The BSN nurse has better patient outcomes.

Octavia Williams
"My paternal grandmother was a major influence in my career choice of nursing. She felt that my nurturing personality would make me become a success. I felt challenged to obtain my BSN to have a good knowledge foundation for my career. I am certified in medical surgical nursing and it is a privilege to be certified. It tells others that I am qualified and knowledgeable. My certification benefits the patients and community with better outcomes. Being a magnet nurse means being the best version of yourself, working to improve your profession and teaching others. feel like my night teammates are my family and we all want to provide the best care for our complex patients."

- Octavia Williams RN- BC, BSN

Certified Nurse, Navicent Health

A certified nurse at Navicent has a proven validation of their knowledge in their specialty to their peers, our administration, our patients and most importantly our community. Our certified nurses are across our organization and provide a knowledge base and foundation for all our staff. These nurses have taken the additional step to meet rigorous requirements to validate their knowledge and expertise in their specialty. These nurses provide care at the bedside in critical care, emergency room, medical surgical units, pediatric units, oncology units, operating room and many other areas in our organization.

Johnny Pulliam
"Nursing is my second career, I lost my job when the company moved their production to Mexico. The day before my 3rd child was born I received an acceptance letter from GCSU nursing where the stars aligned, and I was enrolled. At Navicent Health they give their nurses the training, education, technology and autonomy to provide world class care and that's where I wanted to start my career. As a magnet nurse you are recognized for the care you provide. I feel empowered and engaged to make a difference. I was encouraged to obtain my certified critical care nurse designation. Being certified validates my knowledge and expertise in critical care. I think having a certified nurse gives the patient, family and community a sense of peace that their loved one is being care for by an expert."

- Johnny Pulliam RN, BSN, CCRN