Family Medicine Residency


The FMRD promotes mentoring relationships between residents and students interested in research and the departmental faculty. While residents are not required to participate in research, several residents choose to do so each year. In 2006, a case report published was published by 2 residents, a student and a faculty member (see below).

Selected Research Projects and their Principal Investigators:

  • The Cultural Genogram: Using Simulated Patients in Behavioral Science Teaching (Dr. Shellenberger)
  • Healthy Habits Project (Dr. Seale) - training Family Medicine residents and faculty to improve screening & brief intervention techniques for tobacco abuse and hazardous alcohol use (NIH Funding). Weblink:
  • Diabetes Prevention Project (Dr. Boltri) - Dr. Boltri's team, which includes many students, residents and faculty, works with members of the local community to implement a comprehensive diabetes prevention program. Results of their research have been presented at several national meetings and published in several journals.
  • Childhood Obesity Prevention Project (Dr. Davis-Smith)
  • Development of Magnetically-guided Enteral Feeding Tubes (Dr. Gabriel) (NIH Funding)

If you are interested in learning more about our research efforts or participating in our research efforts, contact Sarah Choo-Yick, M.D.

Sarah Choo-Yick, MD

Sarah Choo-Yick, MD
Research Division - Department of Family Medicine