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Healthy Dates Calendar, September 2019

9/3 - Spinal Cord Injury Support Group, 6:30 p.m. Rehabilitation Hospital, Atrium Health Navicent (3351 Northside Drive, Macon), 478.201.6500 for information

9/3 - Men to Men Prostate Cancer Support Group, 10 a.m., The Medical Center, Navicent Health (777 Hemlock Street, Macon), 478.633.6349 for information

9/4 - Infant CPR Class, 6:30 p.m., 478.633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register for this free class, please register one month prior to due date

9/5 - Baby Care Basics, 7 p.m., 478.633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register for this free class

9/6 - Stop the Bleed training class, 10 a.m., www.surveymonkey.com/r/STBNavicent to register for this free class

9/7 - Prepared Childbirth Class, 9 a.m., 478. 633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register, $50.00 fee / prepayment required

9/9 - Prepared Childbirth Class (Monday series - Sept. 9, 16, 23), 6:30 p.m., 478.633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register, $50.00 fee / prepayment required

9/9 - Chemotherapy Orientation Class, 10 a.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.8537 for reservations

9/9 - Prostate Cancer 101, 12 p.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.8537 for reservations

9/9 - Smoking Cessation Class, 6 p.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.2614 for information

9/11 - Caring for the Caregiver, a support group for family caregivers, 1 p.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.2020 for information

9/11 - Ribbons of Hope Cancer Support Group, 1 p.m. Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.2020 for more information

9/12 - Bariatric Support Group, 5:30 p.m., Bariatric & Metabolic Institute, Atrium Health Navicent (777 Hemlock Street, Macon), 478.633.5200 for information

9/17- Art Therapy for Cancer Patients and Survivors, 1 p.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.8537 for information

9/17 - Stroke Support Group, 3:30 p.m., Rehabilitation Hospital, Atrium Health Navicent (3351 Northside Drive, Macon), 478.201.6500 for information

9/17 - Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group, 6:30 p.m., Rehabilitation Hospital, Atrium Health Navicent (3351 Northside Drive, Macon), 478.201.6500 for information

9/19 - The Pink Alliance breast cancer survivor group, 12 p.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.8537 for information and reservations

9/19 - Parkinson's Support Group, 2 p.m., Rehabilitation Hospital, Atrium Health Navicent (3351 Northside Drive, Macon), 478.201.6500 for details

9/21- ALS Support Group, 10 a.m., Rehabilitation Hospital, Atrium Health Navicent (3351 Northside Drive, Macon), 404.636.9909 for details

9/21 - Breastfeeding Class, 1 p.m., 478.633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register for this free class

9/23 - Chemotherapy Orientation Class, 10 a.m., Peyton Anderson Cancer Center, Atrium Health Navicent (800 First Street, Macon), 478.633.8537 for reservations

9/28 - Sibling Class, for children ages 3-10 with a new sibling on the way, 10 a.m., 478.633.BABY or https://navicenthealth.org/service-center/women-s-services-navicent-health/beginnings-classes to register for this free class

9/28 - Men's Health Fair, 7 a.m. - 11 a.m., Central Georgia Technical College 3300 Macon Tech Drive, Macon, www.navicenthealth.org or 478.633.6349 for details


Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Cancer WellFit, 9 a.m., Wellness Center, Atrium Health Navicent. Visit www.navicenthealth.org/service-center/the-wellness-center-at-navicent-health for information.

Each Tuesday - The Close-Knit Bunch, 2 p.m., Golden Opportunities at Wellness Center, Atrium Health Navicent, 478.757.7817 for information.

Each Tuesday and Thursday - Power Over Parkinson's, 9:30 a.m., Wellness Center, Atrium Health Navicent. Visit www.navicenthealth.org/service-center/the-wellness-center-at-navicent-health for information.

Each Tuesday and Friday - free Blood Pressure Screenings, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Health Resource Center Library, Atrium Health Navicent, 877 Hemlock Street, Macon

Each Tuesday and Saturday - Breastfeeding Support Group, 2 p.m., Wellness Center, Atrium Health Navicent

Each Wednesday - The Card Sharks, 1 p.m., Golden Opportunities at Wellness Center, Atrium Health Navicent, 478.757.7817 for information.

SmartStart Cardiovascular Risk Reduction exercise and education program, reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke, call 478.633.9090 for more information

Wings Of Hope grief support for children and families, and Goodbye Too Soon grief support for mothers who have lost children, will meet at The Medical Center of Central Georgia by appointment. 478.621.8328 for an appointment with a transitions counselor.

Rock Steady Boxing for those with Parkinson's disease -

Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.

Mondays and Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.

Macon United Boxing and Conditioning Club (3301 Roff Avenue, Macon)

Must have a physician's clearance and physical therapist evaluation before beginning

navicentmaconbibb@rsbaffiliate.com for more information

Need a speaker for your community group? https://navicenthealth.org/pages/speakersbureauregistration

About Atrium Health Navicent

Atrium Health Navicent, the leading provider of healthcare in central and south Georgia, is committed to its mission of elevating health and wellbeing through compassionate care. Providing more than 1,000 beds and offering care in 53 specialties at more than 50 facilities throughout the region, Atrium Health Navicent provides care for healthcare consumers' through an academic medical center; community, pediatric and rehabilitation hospitals; urgent care centers; physician practices; diagnostic centers; home health; hospice and palliative care; and a life plan community. Atrium Health Navicent is dedicated enhancing health and wellness for individuals throughout the region through nationally recognized quality care, community health initiatives and collaborative partnerships. For more information, please visit www.navicenthealth.org