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Dublin Baby Wins College Savings as Atrium Health Navicent’s First “Tax Day Baby

One Georgia Baby Born in 2021 to Win $5,529 College Savings Contribution

For the sixth year, Atrium Health Navicent and the state of Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan welcomed the hospital’s first “Tax Day Baby,” Stella Leanne Arnold, who was born at 2:02 a.m., with a $1,529 contribution to her college savings. The U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service extended the deadline for filing 2020 tax returns to May 17 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It means everything for her to have that head start on her college fund,” said her mother, Jessica Stacks.

Each year Atrium Health Navicent and the Path2College 529 Plan partner to recognize the first baby born on tax day at Atrium Health Navicent in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of saving for college and financial planning.

“It is a pleasure to be among the first to welcome baby Stella into the world. She faces a future full of opportunities and we’re proud to partner with the Path2College 529 Plan to provide her with a head start on saving for college or career training,” said Atrium Health Navicent President and CEO Delvecchio Finley. “Nurturing our community’s youth and encouraging education is just another way that Atrium Health Navicent is improving our community’s health and wellness, elevating hope and advancing healing for all.”

Newborns across the state also have a chance to win money for college through the Path2College Newborn Sweepstakes. One baby born in Georgia this year will win a $5,529 college savings contribution. The Path2College 529 Plan will also award $1,529 to the hospital where the Newborn Sweepstakes winner is born.

“We are excited to help baby Stella jump-start her college savings with this contribution, and we hope that many more families with young children will use tax time to begin planning for their children’s continued education,” said Georgia Student Finance Commission President Lynne Riley.

Parents, grandparents and guardians of Georgia babies born in 2021 may go to www.Path2College529.com until April 14, 2022, for official rules, prize details and to enter for a chance to win the 2021 Newborn Sweepstakes. Entrants must be legal residents or taxpayers of Georgia and at least 18 years of age to enter. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Sponsored by the Path2College 529 Plan.

For more information about the Path2College 529 Plan or to open a college savings account, please visit www.Path2College529.com or call (877) 424-4377.

To learn more about the Path2College 529 Plan, its investment objectives, tax benefits, risks, and costs please see the Plan Description at path2college529.com. Read it carefully. Investments in the Plan are neither insured nor guaranteed and there is the risk of investment loss. Check with your home state to learn if it offers tax or other benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds or protection from creditors only available for investing in its own 529 plan. Consult your legal or tax professional for tax advice. If the funds aren't used for qualified higher education expenses, a 10% penalty tax on earnings (as well as federal and state income taxes) may apply.

TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC, Member FINRA, distributor and underwriter for the Path2College 529 Plan.