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The Medical Center of Central Georgia One of 100 Safest in U.S.

The Medical Center of Central Georgia One of 100 Safest in U.S.

MCCG Selected to SafeCare's “100 SafeCare Hospitals” List 

MACON, GA (Monday, January 6, 2014) - The Medical Center of Central Georgia (MCCG) has been selected for The SafeCare Group's “100 SafeCare Hospitals” list for excellence in patient safety.

The selection process involved comprehensive analysis of U.S. government data from over 4,500 acute care organizations. The SafeCare Group made its selection for the list based on over 30 key measures covering Don Berwick's “triple aim of excellence” in healthcare – quality, patient safety and efficiency of care. The review selected hospitals based on the following:

  • lowest risk-adjusted complication rates in medical and surgical care
  • lowest in-hospital and surgical infections
  • lowest risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality rates
  • lowest readmissions
  • lowest overutilization of radiation tests
  • highest care processes
  • highest patient satisfaction scores

“The Medical Center of Central Georgia, like all Central Georgia Health System entities, bases its processes and procedures on the triple aim. We focus on quality, safety and efficiency in order to provide our patients with the right care at the right cost. To be selected to The SafeCare Group's ‘100 SafeCare Hospitals' confirms that our focus is in the right place, and we are doing the right thing for our patients,” said Dr. Ninfa Saunders, President and CEO of Central Georgia Health System.

According to The SafeCare Group, if all U.S. hospitals attained the “100 SafeCare Hospitals” level of care, more than 100,000 deaths and 400,000 complications would be prevented. In addition to MCCG, other hospitals chosen for the “100 SafeCare Hospitals” list include the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland; Duke University Hospital in Durham, N.C.; Exempla Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Colo.; Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit; and Mayo Clinic Methodist Hospital in Rochester, Minn.

“We are pleased to be listed among such exclusive company, many of whom are Baldrige Award winners and Quest for Quality award winners. The award is based on performance in the three main areas on which we focus – patient safety, quality and efficiency. Our inclusion on this list is affirmation that we are providing high quality care for our patients here in central Georgia, and others across the nation are taking notice,” said Dr. Steve Mayfield, Chief Quality Officer for Central Georgia Health System.

Hospitals do not apply for this award and the 100 hospitals listed did not pay for this honor.