Mayor Reichert and MCCG Collaborate for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Mayor Reichert and MCCG Collaborate for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
A Mayoral Proclamation, Support Group and Health Fair in Sept.
MACON, GA (Sept. 6, 2011) – One in six men will get prostate cancer in his lifetime, but if caught early nearly 100 percent survive. Education and testing are vital to defeating this disease, which kills over 33,000 men every year. That's why Macon Mayor Robert Reichert and The Medical Center of Central Georgia held a Prostate Cancer Awareness Month proclamation this morning in the mayor's conference room at City Hall.
The exact causes of prostate cancer are not known, but awareness can help men make more informed choices about their health. Researchers have identified several factors that may increase a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, including age, race and family history. According to the National Cancer Institute, avoiding smoking, losing weight, maintaining a healthy diet and exercising may all help prevent certain cancers.
MCCG offers a monthly education class called “Prostate Cancer 101” for all men who've been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, but have yet to make their treatment decisions. This class provides a roadmap to treatment and recovery. It meets Monday, Sept. 12 at 12 p.m. in the Lanier Building, 1062 Forsyth St., Macon. A light lunch is served and parking is free. Reservations are required; call (478) 633-8537.
The Man to Man Support Group, co-sponsored by MCCG and the American Cancer Society, is a free monthly support group for men diagnosed with or who seek to find out more about prostate cancer. The group meets Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. at The Wellness Center, 3797 Northside Dr. A light dinner is served, parking is free and spouses are welcome to attend. Interested persons may call (478) 633-6349 for more information.
Free protein-specific antigen (PSA) tests* will be administered at MCCG's Men's Health Fair on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Central Georgia Technical College, 3300 Macon Tech Dr., Macon. PSA tests can help detect prostate cancer. A free half-hour seminar at 9:30 a.m. will discuss men and cancer, with prostate cancer as a main topic. Interested persons may call (478) 633-2229 for more information.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the United States. This year, over 240,000 men will be diagnosed. We must ensure that more men are informed about all aspects of this disease, including early detection and possible treatment. MCCG encourages men to talk with their doctors about risk factors, prevention and preventative screenings.
*Recipients must be within the American Cancer Society screening guidelines