Atrium Health Navicent Children's Care Pediatric Hematology Oncology

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your regular office hours?

Our regular office hours are currently Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm and Fridays 8am-12noon. If you require assistance outside of these hours please call 478-633-2694, you will be directed to an Answering Service.

How do I contact my doctor afterhours?

One of our physicians is available afterhours via phone through our answering service. If you cannot wait until the next business day, please call 478-633-2694 and you will be directed to our Answering Service personnel who will connect you to the On Call Physician. If you are having an emergency, please call 911.

We are open Monday-Thursday (8am-5pm) and on Fridays (8am-12noon). If you have questions during these hours, please call 478-633-2694. You will be able to speak with one of our staff who will assist you with any information you need or direct your call to your physician if needed.

What if I need a medication refill, a school letter or any special paperwork to be signed?

All messages left for the nursing staff will be checked in the afternoon. Certain medication refills may require an appointment for necessary lab work to be performed before a medication can be prescribed. All paperwork requires a minimum of a 24-hour notice prior to completion. We will try to return all documents in a timely manner. Please note: Patient care takes precedence over any type of paperwork.

My child has Sickle Cell and has a dental appointment scheduled, what do I need to do to prepare for the appointment?

You should notify your Sickle Cell doctor before scheduling any dental procedures (cleaning, fillings,braces etc). Your child may require pre-dental work antibiotics, hydration, blood transfusions and or special considerations before any dental procedure is performed. Please let your Dentist know that your child has Sickle Cell. We are more than happy to answer any questions your dentist may have.

My child has a port-a-cath (port) and he or she has been scheduled for a dental procedure. Does he/she need any special preparations for the procedure?

A port carries a risk of infections especially after dental procedures. Your child will need antibiotics before the procedure. Please let your Dentist know your child has a port.

What is a Bone Marrow examination?

Your doctor has ordered a bone marrow test. There are various reasons why your doctor would want to do this test. The common reason is to get a better sense of how the blood cells in the patient are being made (blood cells are made inside the bone). This is a useful test to diagnose many different types of blood disorders including anemia, leukemia and various abnormalities. A needle is inserted inside a bone to get a sample. Your child will be put to sleep for this procedure. After the procedure, your child will have a dressing at a site where the needle was inserted, the dressing can be removed after 24 hours. Do not immerse the dressing in water while it's on. For more details, click here.

I have just completed chemotherapy treatment. What physical exercises should I avoid?

Exercising, weight control and a healthy lifestyle are highly recommended after chemotherapy treatment. However, certain physical exercises are to be avoided. Your doctor will discuss with you what physical activities will be appropriate for you depending on the type of treatment and chemotherapy you received.