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There are many people who have a special place in their heart for Children's Hospital, Navicent Health. However, there is not a more dedicated and compassionate person than Beverly Olson. Beverly has been a loyal supporter and volunteer for our Children's Hospital for over 25 years.
Beverly was instrumental in bringing our Celebrity Classic to Macon, Georgia. When the event was new, and the budget wasn't enough to cover all costs, Beverly spent her own money to help fund the celebrity's flights and room and board. Over the years, our annual Children's Hospital Golf Classic has changed in format, but one thing remains, the success of the event and the continued support from Beverly!
Beverly was also a huge part of helping assemble our Safe Kids Bibb County Program. This program was a joint venture for Children's Hospital and the Macon-Bibb County Health Department. The focus of Safe Kids Bibb County was to help educate the community on child safety. This was a grassroots effort, but was very successful due in part to the committee that Beverly helped assemble. Beverly attended meetings and made sure the funding and education was available to help make child safety a priority in Macon, Georgia. Safe Kids Bibb County remains a viable program that the Macon-Bibb County Health Department continues to run.
Through her involvement in the Macon community, and her ties to the Children's Hospital, Beverly has been a longtime supporter of Children's Hospital, not only through her financial giving, but also through her time. She has worked with numerous patients and families. She has given of her time, talent and treasure, and for that our Children's Hospital has been richly blessed.
When you think about the epitome of selflessness and compassion in the Macon community, the first name that comes to mind is Beverly Olson. We could not think of a more fitting person to name our Children's Hospital and for that, we are so grateful. Beverly Knight Olson and the Knight Foundation have propelled this campaign to the next level and we hope others will follow their lead to make this new Children's Hospital a reality for Central and South Georgia.