Atrium Health Navicent Surgery Macon

Oncologic Surgeries

Colon Resection

A colon resection or colectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the colon to treat diseases and disorders such as cancer, bowel obstruction, Crohn's Disease, and diverticulitis. A colectomy can be total where the entire colon is removed or partial where only the diseased portion is removed. There are 4 types of colectomies.

  • Left Hemicolectomy- the removal of the left side of the colon and the remaining healthy colon is reattached
  • Right Hemicolectomy- the removal of the right side of the colon and the remaining healthy colon is reattached
  • Sigmoid Colectomy- the removal of the lower portion of the colon
  • Proctocolectomy- the removal of the entire colon including the rectum and anus. When this is done an ileostomy is formed with the small intestine being attached to the abdominal wall and a stoma being formed. This is called an ileostomy.

Before Surgery

  • Your doctor will review all allergies and medications including any herbs and over the counter medications you take.
  • You will be given a prep to do for several days before surgery to make sure you colon is completely clean. You may also be on a clear liquid diet for several days before surgery.
  • You will not be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery.

During Surgery

  • Open Colon Resection- With this procedure general anesthesia will be used. A large incision will be made on your abdomen and a portion of your colon will be removed. The recovery time will be longer with this procedure
  • Laparoscopic Colon Resection- With this procedure general anesthesia will be used. Several small incisions will be made on your abdomen and surgical tools will be inserted. Then a portion of your colon will be removed. You may a shorter recovery time with this procedure.

After Surgery

  • You will be taken to recovery and from there to your hospital room.
  • You will be in the hospital 4-7 days after surgery.
  • Your diet will be slowly advanced from clear liquids, to a soft diet, to a full diet.
  • After about 6 weeks you will be fully recovered and should be able to return to all normal activities.

Risks of the Procedure

  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Bleeding inside your belly
  • Incisional hernia
  • Damage to nearby organs such as bladder, small intestine, and ureters
  • Possible colostomy (temporary or permanent)
  • Scar tissue formation that can cause a blockage
  • Infection
  • Anastomotic leak (where the edges of your colon that are sewn together come open)


This is a breast conserving surgery to remove cancer and surrounding tissue. The goal is to leave the breast looking as normal as possible. The lump is removed and sent to pathology in one piece for examination.

Before Surgery

  • Review all medications including over the counter and any vitamins and herbs with your doctor. Also make your doctor aware of any allergies.

During Surgery

  • Most of the time local anesthesia will be used to numb the area, although some patients or doctors may chose to use general anesthesia.
  • A scalpel will be used to make a small incision and the lump will be removed
  • A drain may or may not be inserted depending on the size and location of the lump.
  • Finally the incision will be closed with stitches and covered with a dressing.

After Surgery

  • You will be taken to recovery for a short time and then released home.
  • In recovery your nurse will review pain control, wound care, drain care, exercise for the affected side, and signs and symptoms of infection.

Risks of this Procedure

  • Infection
  • Bleeding at the surgical site
  • Poor Wound Healing
  • Persistent Itch or Numbness at the surgical site


Mastectomy is the complete removal of the breast and possibly the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. This procedure is usually done when there is a diagnosis of breast cancer but it can also be done as a prophylactic procedure if you are known to be at a very high risk for breast cancer.

Before Surgery

  • Your doctor will review all allergies and medications with you including over the counter and any vitamins and herbs.
  • You will not be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • Your doctor will explain the type of surgery you will be having.

During Surgery

  • General anesthesia will be used and one of the following types of surgery will be performed
  • Total Mastectomy- Removal of the entire breast
  • Modified, radical mastectomy- Removal of the breast, some lymph nodes from under the arm and possibly part of the chest wall muscles
  • Radical Mastectomy- Removal of the breast, all lymph nodes under the arm, and the chest wall muscles

After Surgery

  • You will stay in the hospital for about 1-2 days after surgery.
  • Upon discharge you will be given instructions on wound care, drain care, pain management, how and when to begin exercising the affected side, and follow up appointments.

Risks of this Procedure 

  • Infection
  • Bleeding from surgical site
  • Feeling of numbness, tingling, or pulling
  • Lymphedema (if lymph nodes were removed)

Thyroid Surgery

Thyroid surgery is used to treat many different problems such as thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, and hyperthyroidism. All or part of your thyroid may be removed depending on why you are having surgery.

Before Surgery

  • Your doctor will review all allergies and medications including over the counter medications and any vitamins and herbs.
  • You will not be allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery.
  • Your doctor will also let you know exactly what type of procedure you will be having done.

During Surgery

  • General anesthesia will be used and an incision will be made to expose the thyroid gland. One of 3 types of procedures will be done
  • Total Thyroidectomy- The entire thyroid gland and lymph nodes surrounding the gland will be removed
  • Thyroid Lobectomy- Only one lobe of the thyroid is removed
  • Subtotal Thyroidectomy- One complete lobe, part of the other lobe and the isthmus (the narrow band of tissue that connects the two lobes) will be removed.

After Surgery

  • You should be able to leave the hospital after 1-2 days.
  • Upon discharge you will be given instructions on wound care, medications you may need to take, and also any follow up appointments.

Risks of this Procedure

  • Hoarseness/Change of voice
  • Nerve Damage
  • Low Calcium Levels
  • Infection at surgical site