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Children are not small adults. The treatment of their illnesses is different. Pediatrics is a health specialty that has concerns about the provision of optimal and appropriate care of children. The expansion of pediatrics now includes young adults and 18 to 21-year-olds who continue to be dependent on parents.
Children are likely to have health problems but the majority of the problems are mild. They come and go without interfering with the development and daily life of a child. Some children however, have chronic health conditions that affect the everyday life of a child.
'Chronic' is an umbrella term. Children with chronic conditions live with them always. There are times when the child feels fine. Some chronic illnesses include:
Thinking beyond the next treatment is difficult when a child has a chronic illness. Health is the first priority. It is also important to recognize education as a priority as well. Even reluctant learners prefer to be in school rather than the hospital. Keeping a child up-to-date and current with their schooling is imperative during treatment for their illness.
A child has a legal right to this provision. It has social, psychological, cognitive, and academic benefits. Planning and communication are necessary to balance academics and treatment. A doctor has information about how long a child is likely to be out of the classroom and whether the treatment interferes with meeting deadlines, doing homework, or concentration.
Major advancements in diagnosing and treating chronic illnesses in children and adolescents changed the clinical pediatrics landscape. Successful treatment has children surviving diseases, which were fatal at one time, at much higher rates than two or three decades ago. Early detection, diagnosis, and powerful treatment and management methods are reasons for improved outcomes.
Consequently, now, millions of children live with medical conditions and chronic illnesses. The illness and treatments present children and parents with a source of stress that is capable of compromising treatment regimen adherence. It is critical to explicate adoption processes to develop effective coping and adjustment interventions.
Some minor childhood illnesses include:
Nurse practitioners often handle minor childhood illnesses. They evaluate the symptoms, make a diagnosis, and write prescriptions when they are medically appropriate. A treatment plan to aid in feeling better is part of a visit to a practitioner. Practitioners suggest another health care setting if a child has a temperature of 104 degrees or more or severe vomiting is a symptom.
A general practitioner needs to care for wounds and bruises; joint and muscle injuries, such as sprains and strains; lacerations; and infected wounds. Emergency room treatment is best reserved for loss of consciousness or head injuries, stitches, foreign bodies, heavy blood loss, suspected broken bones, difficulty breathing, chest pains, drug overdose, and poisoning.
Immunization is the treatment to prevent some serious infectious diseases. Childhood immunization schedules include vaccines that protect against 15 diseases. Seasonal influenza is one of the recommended immunizations. Widespread vaccination programs brought many diseases under control. Measles, diphtheria, yellow fever, polio, and smallpox are diseases causing little concern due to available vaccinations.
The top ten health concerns of the day are:
The approach for treating childhood obesity is changing the diet and lifestyle. Children must learn to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives and learn to eat well. Drug abuse combat takes place at high-quality rehab programs specializing in treating youth.
Prevention is critical when dealing with kids tempted to smoke cigarettes. Caregivers inform parents of the importance of letting a child know their disapproval and setting a good example. Those who already are addicted smokers need counseling to assist in quitting.
Bullies and their victims often suffer from behavioral and mental health conditions. The threats and violence must stop. Cooperation with teachers, guidance counselors, and principals is a requirement. All of the top health concerns of today require changes in the environment.